Ling Li earned her bachelor’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) froUniversity of Science and Technology Beijing (China) in 2010. She joined University of Tennessee (UT) in the fall of 2010 and received her Master’s degree in MSE from UT in 2013. Now she is a Ph.D. candidate in MSE at UT. Her dissertation project is focused on single crystal growth of EuTiO3 related perovskites using the floating zone technique and study the correlated spin/orbital/lattice couplings by utilizing resonant ultrasound spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, low-temperature and high magnetic field measurements, and neutron scattering. Ling’s also working on sample synthesis of (1) complex oxides with strong spin-orbital couplings, (2) frustrated rare earth oxides, (3) non-centrosymmetric itinerant magnets, and collaborate with groups at ORNL to do neutron scattering experiments.
Current affiliation: Post-doc, Materials Science and Technology Division ORNL