Michael Koehler

Michael Koehler with wife (Carrie) and dog (Benjamin)

Michael Koehler with wife (Carrie) and dog (Benjamin)

Michael Koehler earned his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.  His dissertation work investigated the magnetostrictive Tb6Fe1-xCoxBi2 using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy, capacitance dilatometry, heat capacity, vibrating sample magnetometry, and X-ray and neutron diffraction.  After obtaining his Ph.D. in 2012, Michael then became a post-doc in Dr. Veerle Keppens’ and Dr. David Mandrus’ labs.  In 2016, he became a research associate.

Michael’s current research focuses on the single-crystal growth of transition metal dichalcogenides, which are comprised of two-dimensional layers weakly held together by van der Walls bonding.  Synthesis methods include chemical vapor transport and flux growth.  He has also begun investigating the elastic properties of organic-inorganic perovskite crystals, which have potential applications in solar cell technology.